Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thing 23, Reflection

Why is it that the more apprehensive one is about beginning a project the more enjoyable it often turns out to be?  While several of the 23 Things had their frustrating moments, once the tasks were completed the experience was a little like a moonwalk.  More than once it felt extraterrestrial, and more than once it was eye-opening in a positive way: the best part of my TIS experience!
There were several tools among the 23 Things that I can use in my classroom, and the exploration through them gave me the initiative to keep looking for more and not to be shy about using technology.
Initially, I knew nothing about NETS-T, but currently I definitely have a better understanding.  The method used in presenting the 23 Things makes the ISTE standards more meaningful and more logical.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Roger. It took awhile to get through the 23 Things but I sure did learn a lot. It was my favorite module!
